

  • path.repo

    Applies to tags: after 623.

    Elasticsearch's path.repo parameter is predefined as /var/backups in elasticsearch.yml (see Snapshot and restore).

  • Version 6

    Applies to tags: 600 and later.

    Breaking changes are introduced in version 6 of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana.


    Applies to tags: 502 to 522.

    Overriding the ES_HEAP_SIZE and LS_HEAP_SIZE environment variables has no effect on the heap size used by Elasticsearch and Logstash (see issue #129).

  • Elasticsearch home directory

    Applies to tags: 502 and later.

    Elasticsearch is no longer installed from the deb package (which attempts, in version 5.0.2, to modify system files that aren't accessible from a container); instead it is installed from the tar.gz package.

    As a consequence, Elasticsearch's home directory is now /opt/elasticsearch (was /usr/share/elasticsearch).

  • Version 5

    Applies to tags: es500_l500_k500 and later.

    Breaking changes are introduced in version 5 of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana.

  • Private keys in PKCS#8 format

    Applies to tags: es240_l240_k460 and es241_l240_k461.

    In Logstash version 2.4.x, the private keys used by Logstash with the Beats input are expected to be in PKCS#8 format. To convert the private key (logstash-beats.key) from its default PKCS#1 format to PKCS#8, use the following command:

    $ openssl pkcs8 -in logstash-beats.key -topk8 -nocrypt -out logstash-beats.p8

    and point to the logstash-beats.p8 file in the ssl_key option of Logstash's 02-beats-input.conf configuration file.

  • Logstash forwarder

    Applies to tags: es500_l500_k500 and later.

    The use of Logstash forwarder is deprecated, its Logstash input plugin configuration has been removed, and port 5000 is no longer exposed.

  • UIDs and GIDs

    Applies to tags: es235_l234_k454 and later.

    Fixed UIDs and GIDs are now assigned to Elasticsearch (both the UID and GID are 991), Logstash (992), and Kibana (993).

  • Java 8

    Applies to tags: es234_l234_k452 and later.

    This image initially used Oracle JDK 7, which is no longer updated by Oracle, and no longer available as a Ubuntu package.

    As from tag es234_l234_k452, the image uses Oracle JDK 8. This may have unintended side effects on plugins that rely on Java.

  • Logstash configuration auto-reload

    Applies to tags: es231_l231_k450, es232_l232_k450.

    Logstash's configuration auto-reload option was introduced in Logstash 2.3 and enabled in the images with tags es231_l231_k450 and es232_l232_k450.

    As this feature created a resource leak prior to Logstash 2.3.3 (see https://github.com/elastic/logstash/issues/5235), the --auto-reload option was removed as from the es233_l232_k451-tagged image (see https://github.com/spujadas/elk-docker/issues/41).

    Users of images with tags es231_l231_k450 and es232_l232_k450 are strongly recommended to override Logstash's options to disable the auto-reload feature by setting the LS_OPTS environment variable to --no-auto-reload if this feature is not needed.

    To enable auto-reload in later versions of the image:

    • From es500_l500_k500 onwards: add the --config.reload.automatic command-line option to LS_OPTS.
    • From es234_l234_k452 to es241_l240_k461: add --auto-reload to LS_OPTS.

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